With actual real-life folding phones being announced, in some ways, Microsoft's own folding phone has never been both nearer and further away. The concept of a device that turns from a phone into a ta...
The death of #Windows Phone and the five stages of mobile grief
Running Windows Phone so I can stay 100% Microsoft is totally fine, even if it's 2019. Nothing else out there strikes the balance I'm looking for. I don't need any apps that I don't already have.
#Microsoft launches new Office #App for #Windows 10
You can download the new Office app from the Microsoft Store, and it's rolling out to existing Windows 10 users over the coming weeks. Samsung's foldable phone is the Galaxy Fold, available April 26th ...
Understanding the #Windows 10 Your Phone App
The Your Phone app debuted in Windows 10 version 1809, which was released in October 2018. To be honest, I couldn't muster any enthusiasm to look at it because this isn't Microsoft's first attempt at ...
Get the #Windows 10 Pro key for just €9.52 and more at Lvlgo
Chinese Phone blog dedicated to providing breaking news, expert reviews, Chinese Phones, Android Apps, Chinese Android Tablets and how to's. Keep up to date with the latest Chinese Android phone news ...
It is finally possible to access #Linux files on #Windows
How Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia killed the Windows Phone In the previous build, Microsoft re-adapted its gaming operating system to suit its needs, and then asked its testers to play State of Dec...
How to Sync Your Chrome Browsing History on #Windows 10
How to sync Windows 10 Chrome browsing history to your Android phone You can also sync the Chrome web pages you visited on a Windows 10 devices to your Android. First download the Windows Launcher (th...
KDZZ builds flashable ZIPs from KDZ files for LG phones

Installing the tool itself is as simple as extracting a zip file. The usage of the tool requires the Windows LG Firmware Extract Tool to extract system bins from DZ files, so you also need your KDZ fi...
New information about #Microsoft's #Windows 10 replacement dual-screen laptop OS leaks
... is working on a new Windows shell to run on top of Windows Core OS. Aruba is the much-delayed shell running Surface Hub 2, while Oasis will run on the HoloLens 2, Andromeda the in-limbo Surface Ph...
Kolbe #Windows and Doors

Windows are horrible, wind blows right through ... cases was trapped and allowed moisture and mold to destroy the bottom wood. Attempts to e-mail and phone the district rep have been unsuccessful. The ...
Unlike #Microsoft, #Apple Can Turn Universal #Apps into a #Money-Making Machine
If the idea sounds familiar, it's because Microsoft tried something similar back in the days when Windows phones were still around. What Microsoft wanted to do from the very beginning was very ...
Read full article on Rumour: #Microsoft's folding phone may still be on the way, but it wont run #Windows
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