Microsoft stopped the application of Skype from windows phone -  Windows Phone is currently losing its position in world's mobile phones ranks, but it did not seems that Microsoft tried to resurrect the OS on the phone.

After stopping the application Skype WiFi by the end of March 2017, Microsoft announced that Skype application will no longer work on Windows Phone starting July 1 2017.

If you ever use Skype on Windows Phone Windows Phone 8, 8.1, or Messaging application for Windows Mobile 10, you should prepare if Microsoft will permanently stop the Skype application next month.

For note, application Messaging for Windows RT and TV will also be terminated after July 1 2017.

The only way to continue to use Skype after that date is to migrate to other devices that support Microsoft Skype service, as quated from Phone Arena.



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Source: Microsoft stopped the application of Skype from windows phone
