Snap Windows With Magnet, Fight Phone Snoopers With Privacy Shade, and More in This Week's Top Downloads

Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top downloads from this week.

We've seen a few different tools for Windows-esque window management on Mac over the years, but none of those ever fit well with my workflow. Magnet is an app that's been around for a while, but a few recent updates have finally made it the app I need.

Do you ever feel like the person next to you on the subway is staring at your phone and reading your texts? Of course you do, because we all glance at other people's phones and tablets during our boring commutes. I do, anyway. BlackBerry has a solution.

Maybe you can't go to the gym. Maybe you don't want to go to the gym. Maybe the gym is too darn expensive. Good thing you can turn to your phone for an instant workout. Which app gives the best workouts, though? Today, we find out.

When it first launched, Bear was an intriguing alternative to bloated note-taking apps like Evernote and OneNote, but it was still a little too new to dive into. After a couple minor iterations, I'm convinced it's a worthy alternative for those sick of the bloat of other notes apps and for those who like the take-home simplicity of plain text. Provided you're in the Apple ecosystem, anyway.

Mac: If you have a multiple monitor setup for your Mac, you know that the simple act of disabling the extra monitors when you need just one is a little cumbersome. Screen Commander makes it easy.

iOS: Sending articles to your Kindle has always been a bit of a pain, but Amazon's making it a little easier for iOS users today with the addition of a Send to Kindle button in Safari.

Source: Snap Windows With Magnet, Fight Phone Snoopers With Privacy Shade, and More in This Week's Top Downloads
