Here’s Another Windows Phone App You Must Say Goodbye to

Developers say goodbye to Windows phones every once in a while, and this is what is happening today as well, though the reason is not the declining market share of Microsoft's mobile platform.

Foundbite today announced that it's retiring at the end of March and together with the service, all mobile apps are going dark too, including the client developed for Windows phones.

While this doesn't seem to be another tragedy for Windows phones given the fact that all mobile apps are being retired, Foundbite was more or less a special service for users of Microsoft's mobile platform as its first smartphone app was launched on Windows. iOS and Android clients were launched at a later time after Foundbite gained more users and the company received investment.

Microsoft and Nokia engineers themselves helped Foundbite develop the Windows phone application, but adoption has always been below expectations, despite the updates that were released on all platforms.

Going dark on March 31

As for the reasons Foundbite is shutting down, it's really not that hard to figure out why this is happening. Few people were using the social network and now it no longer makes sense for the company to keep investing in a product that has no future.

"We wanted to enable people to share the sounds of the world around them, by capturing memories and experiences in a way only sound can. Although we never reached the scale we were hoping for, all our users definitely delivered. There have been many ups and downs along the way but it's always been great to be able to open up the app and experience places all around the world being captured and shared by you!" James Mundy, Founder and developer of Foundbite, explains.

Foundbite will be discontinued at the end of March, so if there still are any Windows phone users running the app, you still have approximately 7 days to look for an alternative.

Source: Here's Another Windows Phone App You Must Say Goodbye to
