Facebook Messenger will soon stop working on 76 per cent of Windows Phone devices

Facebook Messenger will soon stop working on 76 per cent of Windows Phone devices

POOR WINDOWS PHONE USERS. Not only do they find it harder to find love, but they will soon also have Facebook Messenger pulled from under their feet. 

As reported at the catchily-named website AggiornamentiLumia.it, Facebook has announced that, as of the end of this month, Facebook Messenger will no longer be supported on devices running Windows Phone 8.1. 

While this won't send too many into a meltdown, with Kantar revealing last week that only 1.9 per cent of Brits are still using Microsoft's mobile OS, Windows Phone 8.1 is still currently the most popular version of the software, sitting at 76.3 per cent of the install base. 

Facebook announced the move in an email sent to those using Messenger on Windows Phone 8.1, and advised users to download the newest version of its main app in order to continue sending and receiving messages.

"Thank you for choosing to use Messenger. We regret to inform you that at the end of March, the version of the app you are currently using will no longer be supported, meaning you can no longer send or receive messages," the email reads.

"To continue sending and receiving messages from Facebook on your phone, update your app to the latest version: www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9WZDNCRFJ2WL"

Facebook isn't the only firm to throw in the towel on Microsoft's mobile OS, as, er, Microsoft also seems to have given up.

As we reported back in October, Microsoft's own Skype app is no longer supported on Windows RT, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1.

What's more, Microsoft in January announced that Minecraft, which it owns, will no longer be updated on Windows Phone devices. It will, however, continue to be made available at the Windows Store. ยต

Source: Facebook Messenger will soon stop working on 76 per cent of Windows Phone devices
