Microsoft Surface Phone 2017 release alongside Surface Pro 5 next year?

The long rumored Microsoft Surface Phone 2017 release may finally take place next year. Tech giant Microsoft may announce the smartphone alongside the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 in February.

Reliable German Windows-centric website Dr Windows revealed that it has received "concrete evidence" that HP is working in partnership with Microsoft in making a powerful Windows 10 smartphone.

The website added that the new Microsoft Surface Phone is the rebranded Lumia handsets as it will inherit Lumia's best features such as ClearBlack screens, Glance and more. However, the details of the smartphone are still under wraps.

There are rumors that Microsoft announced a smartphone internally that is for release in February 2017. This fueled the rumors that the smartphone will be released alongside the popular Microsoft Surface Pro 5 tablet-laptop hybrid.

There are whispers that the two new devices will be announced at the Mobile World Congress 2017 or at a separate event to highlight the inception of the new devices.

Currently, the tech giant has released updates to its current flagship device Microsoft Surface Pro 4. This puzzles consumers as it seems that Microsoft is promoting the laptop-tablet hybrid. Apparently, the tech company is delaying the Surface Pro 5; hence, the upgrades on current device.

Microsoft just announced the new Surface Studio and Surface Book i7 at the Windows 10 event on Oct. 27 as new members of the Surface family. It is most probably that Microsoft delayed the release of Surface Pro 5 to avoid stealing the spotlight of the new devices and the media and consumers will focus on the features they offer.

Moreover, holding back the Pro 5 will prevent it from cannibalizing the sales of the new Surfaces. There is no official announcement from Microsoft yet. Source: yibada

Source: Microsoft Surface Phone 2017 release alongside Surface Pro 5 next year?
