Lenovo Not Interested in Windows Phone Due to Microsoft’s Wrong Mobile Strategy

#Lenovo #Smartphone – Lenovo Not Interested in Windows Phone Due to Microsoft's Wrong Mobile Strategy : That's what Lenovo's president Gianfranco Lanci has recently been quoted as saying when talking about his company's mobile plans, explaining that although Windows is a compelling platform, its uncertain future makes possible partners think twice before investing in it.

"I'm not convinced that Microsoft is supporting Windows phones for the future," he said. "Windows 10 is a good operating system and will be a big opportunity in terms of refresh in the commercial space. But with the Windows phone, it is more difficult to see a future."

"Microsoft and its wrong mobile strategy"

Microsoft doesn't seem to be very bothered with all the uncertainty regarding its mobile efforts, and more and more developers and users decide to leave for Android and iOS simply because they don't know if Windows phones still have a future.

Ironically, Microsoft continues to reaffirm its commitment to Windows 10 Mobile on every occasion, and the firm says that it will continue to work together with partners on new devices.

But it's these partners like Lenovo that are saying no to Windows phones just because Microsoft's strategy is unclear, to say the least, so there's no doubt that Redmond needs to rethink this approach and provide everyone involved in the ecosystem, including users, with more information about its long-term plans.

"We always take care of our customers, Windows phones are no exception. We will continue to update and support our current Lumia and OEM partner phones, and develop great new devices," Windows boss Terry Myerson said earlier this year.

Now it appears that the Lumia brand is very close to being discontinued and there are some chances that Microsoft could even cancel the Surface Phone, according to sources. The focus will switch entirely to businesses, but everyone sees the Surface Phone as the catalyst that will push the platform forward no matter the final goal. Source: softpedia

Source: Lenovo Not Interested in Windows Phone Due to Microsoft's Wrong Mobile Strategy
