Microsoft to ‘kill’ the Skype app on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 by 2017

Recently. the Redmond giant announced that it will halt the support for Skype app for Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 from October this year. However, it is seems like the company is planning to completely kill the app for the phone in 'early 2017'.

Hence, after October 2016 users will be able to use the app till early 2017 with 'some limitations' and it is expected that the app won't run on such phones after the period. The company's decision won't just affect other Windows Phones, but, devices running on Android 4.0.3 or older devices, and Windows RT handsets as well.

"While support will no longer be available from October 2016, the Skype app on Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 will continue to work (possibly with some limitations) until early 2017, when we finish moving Skype calling to the cloud," reads Microsoft's Skype support page.

Microsoft has previously announced that it would support the Skype app on Windows 7, 8, XP and Vista, Yosemite on Mac, and iOS 8 operating systems.

"These decisions are hard to make, but they are necessary as Skype moves forward so we can deliver new experiences on devices that have the capability to support them. As such, we will begin to implement these changes over the coming months" said Skype chief Gurdeep Pall in a recent blog post.

"Our focus will be on the newly released lighter, faster and more responsive UWP app for Windows 10, Skype for iPhone, iPad and Android as well as a web-based native version of Skype for other supported platforms like previous Windows operating systems, Mac and Linux, which will benefit from the latest ORTC or WebRTC technology that we've been working on for the last year," he added.

Tags: Microsoft, skype, Windows Phone, Windows Phone 8, windows phone 8.1, Windows RT
Source: Microsoft to 'kill' the Skype app on Windows Phone 8, 8.1 by 2017
