Microsoft Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL Windows Phone Devices Speculated To Get Major Windows 10 Mobile OS Update

One of the biggest names when it comes to the world of technology, Microsoft has been coming out with a large number of updates and upgrades over the years. The company has been bringing forward several changes, updates and upgrades to the way we know the markets of technology to be. Microsoft has been improving their conditions in the hardware and mobile phone markets and has been progressing at a rapid pace with the Windows 10 Mobile OS. The first two devices to come out with the Windows 10 Mobile OS were Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL mobile phones.


Microsoft is now gearing up to release a new Windows 10 Mobile OS update for these devices. Though it has not been officially confirmed, the news is high on the rumor mills and is likely to actually happen. The following changes are expected to happen:

  • Forced HDR
  • In the past, when the users wanted to click pictures in the HDR mode, they would switch on the HDR Mode. However, even switching it on would not guarantee the users of the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL that they would be able to click HDR images in it, as the final call was with the phone. If the conditions were bright, the HDR mode would not work even if it was turned on. Microsoft is now expected to come out with a 'Forced HDR' mode, where the users would be able to click HDR photos any time they want, even in bright-light conditions.

  • Battery Life Improvements
  • A major improvement is expected to happen when the battery life of the device is concerned. Microsoft is all set to bring forward a new and improved technology for battery saving in the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL devices. A battery saver mode will soon be introduced with this new Windows 10 Mobile OS update.

    As of now the company has not made this update official, but it is heavily anticipated that the update will roll out sometime early in June.



    Source: Microsoft Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL Windows Phone Devices Speculated To Get Major Windows 10 Mobile OS Update
