Would you like to have a straightforward way to shoot panorama photos on your Windows 10 Mobile phone? Well, according to a new report from WindowsBlogItalia (via Windows Central), the new panorama feature will soon be natively integrated into the Windows 10 Mobile Camera app.
The Italian Windows blog has learned that the version 2016.515.11.0 of the Camera app features a new panorama button next to the traditional "photo" and "video" buttons. As you can see in the screenshots below, you would have to hold your phone in portrait mode to use this panorama mode. Then, it looks like you should just have to hold the button while moving from left to right to take a panoramic photo:
The new panorama feature in the Windows 10 Mobile Camera app.
However, according to the report this panorama mode would only work on the latest high-end Lumias such as the Lumia 950 and 950XL (our colleagues reportedly tested the updated Camera app on a Lumia 1520, which did not display the new panorama button). We also don't know yet if this panorama mode could be coming to the Camera app for Windows 10 PCs.
However, the feature could well support older Lumias in the future as shooting panorama pictures isn't exactly rocket science, right? It would make sense as it's still possible to shoot panoramas pictures on your old Lumia using the deprecated Lumia Panorama app. As a reminder, Microsoft dropped support for this Windows Phone 8.1 Lumia app last year along other apps such as Lumia Refocus and Video uploader. At the time, the company explained this decision in the following statement:
"Many of the Lumia features are already included in the Windows 10 Photos and Camera apps. While we can't promise that any particular feature is coming back, we're committed to providing a great photo and camera experience in Windows across devices, and we're listening to your feedback as we continue improving our apps."
Are you excited by this new panorama mode in the Windows 10 Mobile camera app? Please let us know what you think in the comments.
Source: Microsoft is working on a panorama mode for Windows 10 Mobile's Camera app
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