Windows 10 Mobile OS For Older Nokia Lumia Phones Released –

Microsoft has been a company which has been one of the biggest names in the markets of technology when it comes to the world of software and operating systems. The company has been around for a long time and has been the leading force in the markets. Microsoft has constantly been improvising on their offerings, and has always managed to bring out a major change in the markets of technology. The company has been coming out with update after update and has been working hard towards improving the conditions of the world of technology as we know it to be. With the Windows 10 Mobile OS now being introduced for the oldWindows-10-Mobile-Lead-10149er Nokia Lumia devices, the company has now gained another major foot forward.

A large number of Nokia Lumia users had been awaiting the update to arrive for their phones as the Windows 10 Mobile OS was only available for the users of the Lumia 950, 950 XL, Lumia 650 and Lumia 550 devices in the past. However, a large number of users are now able to make use of the services of the Windows 10 Mobile OS.

This update was originally promised to release in December of 2015, but has been delayed for several months after that. The update finally came out on the 16th of March, and for the users of Lumia 1520, 930, 640, 640XL, 730, 735, 830, 532, 535, 540, 635 1GB, 636 1GB, 638 1GB, 430, 435, BLU Win HD w510u, BLU Win HD LTE x150q, and the MCJ Madosma Q501 devices.

Many of the major, established and popular devices such as the Lumia 520, Lumia 1020 and Lumia 1320 phones were missing out from this list. Microsoft has clarified why these devices are not getting the update, as they have noted in their official Windows 10 Mobile blog, saying:

"This list includes a limited set of Windows Phone 8.1 devices and does not include some devices that are currently running Windows 10 Mobile in the Windows 10 Mobile Insider program. As Windows 10 delivers significant new innovations, many older devices are not able to successfully upgrade without an impact on the customer experience. Our goal is to only offer the Windows 10 upgrade to devices that we are confident can continue to deliver a good customer experience," the company said.



Source: Windows 10 Mobile OS For Older Nokia Lumia Phones Released –
