Vodafone Australia to begin Windows 10 Mobile rollout on March 25

Vodafone Australia has outed its Windows 10 Mobile rollout plans, noting that the update will begin hitting four phones on its network starting Mach 25 (via MSPU). All told, the following phones will begin receiving the update on Friday:

  • Lumia 640 XL
  • Lumia 640 LTE
  • Lumia 735
  • Lumia 930
  • That's a pretty quick turnaround for Vodafone, as the Windows 10 Mobile update was only released to the public roughly a week ago. If you call Australia home and own one of the above phones with Vodafone as your carrier, you now have a good reason to look forward to the end of the week — barring any last-minute snafus, of course.

    Source: Vodafone Australia to begin Windows 10 Mobile rollout on March 25
