Microsoft Pulls Windows 10 Mobile Update From Several Promised Phones

Microsoft has been selling the Blu Win JR LTE for a while now as a low cost member of the Windows Phone lineup. The phone was attractively priced with some decent specs and most importantly, it was guaranteed an upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile when it arrived, something other phones with similar specs were denied.

Unfortunately, it seems that Microsoft is now going back on its word. This issue came to light with a Reddit thread on r/WindowsPhone, where a user, who goes by u/Plazma10, pointed out that there's no way the phone is getting the Windows Phone 10 update.

So everyone says the Blu Win JR LTE cannot upgrade to Windows 10. This has been the only mid / low range phone available that I can use on Wind in Canada – we never got the 640 or other AWS phones. So bought a few for family.

Why is Microsoft STILL selling it as an exclusive official phone to run on Windows 10 – can I get my money back? I bought this about a year ago when the page said the same thing – expecting Windows 10 to be coming out imminently……

The Reddit user also posted a series of screenshots which show the "Upgraedable to Windows 10" mention in the technical specifications of the phone. Turned out to be a great idea, since Microsoft has now edited the web page to remove any mention of a Windows Phone 10 upgrade. We reached out to Microsoft's support over text chat but the representative wasn't too helpful.

MS Rep: "I see, so, with that phone in particular, unless it says that the phone is able to be upgraded to Windows 10, there's no way we can guarantee that it will be eligible for the upgrade, I understand how that can be frustrating!"

MS REP: "For further questions regarding the BLU products, you can also check out the BLU products home page!"

Techaeris (Aditya): "The phone was listed as upgradeable just a couple of days ago. That is what I'm saying. Microsoft seems to have edited the web page now."

MS REP: "Our site updates 24/7 in real-time, but I understand where you're coming from!"

Another Reddit user commented on the original post with a link to a product brochure on Blu's website where every page has a mention of the Windows Phone 10 upgrade! You can check out the brochure from the link below.

Microsoft has quietly updated their entire Windows 10 Mobile update list excluding not only the BLU Win JR LTE but also several Lumia devices that were initially promised the Windows 10 Mobile update. Several Lumia phones including the Lumia 920 and Lumia 1020 no longer appear on the upgrade list.

Microsoft's Windows Phone is already a distant third in the smartphone race and they've had some luck in the last few years with their budget offerings in emerging markets. This is precisely the type of thing Microsoft should be avoiding at a time like this. The representative I contacted did mention that their partner Blu might have dropped the idea for the update, but unfortunately, the end user isn't going to care.

  Source: Reddit   Source: Blu [PDF]

Source: Microsoft Pulls Windows 10 Mobile Update From Several Promised Phones
