Moreover, Microsoft is going to provide Windows 7 support till 2020 and every Windows 10 security update will also release on Windows 7 as well. Also Bing profits from the new Windows version, Microsoft reports around 30% more Bing search queries per Windows 10 device vs. prior versions of Windows.
Said Microsoft, Windows 10 growth has outpaced Windows 7 by almost 140 percent and is growing 400 percent faster than Windows 8 did.
Windows 10 had a good holiday. "First, a few updates on how we're tracking toward our goal of seeing Windows 10 active on more than one billion devices".
Windows 10's growth tempo has fallen behind that of Windows 7's during its first five months after release, according to Net Applications.
Microsoft said that in December, customers had spent over 11 billion hours with Windows 10, along with 44.5 billion minutes (742 million hours) with Microsoft Edge.
There are signs that Windows 10 could be a success with them. Microsoft retains close to 90 percent share of the operating system market, which means that more than 90 percent of the world's computers run on Microsoft's Windows Operating system.
While these prerequisites could possibly change by the time the company rolls out Windows 10 Mobile, many are simply hoping that the update to upgrade over to Windows 10 Mobile will be made available without any further delays. The software giant had a big Black Friday, with 40% of new device activations becoming active since then. After delays, Windows Mobile 10 is expected to start rolling out to many Windows Phone users soon.
Microsoft's Windows 7 accounts for 55.68% of the OS market share and is still the most popular platform. On Dec. 28th, in fact, more fans logged onto Xbox Live than any other day in Xbox history.
For those who meet the Windows 10 download requirements, Microsoft has only given a vague "soon" as to when the upgrade will be available. There are also tiles for social networks (IE the Twitter tile tells you when you have new followers). "But it would be extremely short-sighted of Microsoft to bar Android and iPhone devices from being able to display Microsoft HoloLens because they would be giving up 90 percent of the market". "Get ready for exciting new Windows 10 features on your Lumia".
Source: Windows Phone Market Share Is Low
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