Microsoft Corporation Likely To Fall Short Yet Again With Its Windows 10 Mobile

What is it with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and smartphones?  It has long been on the wrong end of a losing battle to persuade us that Windows Phone is even usable.  The great duopoly of Apple and Google shows no sign of cracking and allowing a third big player anytime soon.  We have enough reason to believe that with Windows 10 Mobile, things aren't going to change. 

Windows Phone fans are a rare breed, giving Microsoft a tiny 3% market share of the mobile operating systems (OS) industry.  Google's Android rules over 50% of the market, particularly because it has been adopted by almost every other manufacturer.  It is easily the most popular OS.  Apple's iOS, as exclusive to the iPhone comes in second at 40%.  This suggests Microsoft has to introduce something truly innovative, for the new phone to mark its presence.  It can no longer rely on just equaling the systems of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) or Google in terms of features and performance.

Among the reasons Windows phones have struggled is the dodgy App Store, although Windows 10 Mobile promises universal applications.  It could be too late for Microsoft, not only does it need to convince users to take another chance at its software, but also tempt developers to give it priority.

A deafening silence around Windows 10 Mobile when it rolls out will surprise no one, because Microsoft previously neglected existing Windows phones, often leaving users with outdated smartphones and no new features. 

Microsoft has rolled out new Windows 10 Mobile Builds to its Windows Insider Program, giving us a sneak peek of the new OS.  There is the Microsoft Edge browser, a completely new user interface with massive stability and improved performance, but not so different to what already exists on Android or iOS.

We have lower expectations from the new Windows phone and would suggest an Android or iOS instead.  Depending on preferences, for simplicity the obvious choice is the iPhone.  For customization, no one does it better than Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android.

Microsoft has pinned its hopes onto the Windows 10 Mobile platform, but don't expect more than what is already available.

Source: Microsoft Corporation Likely To Fall Short Yet Again With Its Windows 10 Mobile
