Official DeviantArt app coming to Windows 10 devices next week


Internet art community DeviantArt do not have an official Windows Phone app yet, but according to their own time line this is set to change next week, with the app expected to arrive next week for Windows 10 phones, tablets and PCs.

The DeviantArt mobile app exposes a full range of exciting, fresh, culturally relevant content from traditional media of painting, drawing, photography and sculpture to digital art, pixel art, anime and fan art and lets you browse endless streams of content as well as communicate with and submit to the community.

Hopefully DeviantArt's timeline is accurate and we will soon be celebrating the arrival of another great app in the store.

Update: The DeviantArt team have posted some more details regarding the app, writing:

We are working with Microsoft to ensure that DeviantArt's Web experience works great on Windows 10 devices — including Surface tablets and Windows mobile phones.  The app won't have the full native feature set of our iOS and Android apps, but will include most of the functionality from our mobile website. The app will be available in the Windows Store in the coming weeks, with several app-only enhancements — like Live Tiles!  We are eager to see the the community's response, as this will inform our commitment to future Windows product enhancements.

It appears the app may be one of the first Project Westminster "web apps" in the store. Not as cool as hoped, but progress nevertheless.

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Source: Official DeviantArt app coming to Windows 10 devices next week
