Cyanogen working on integrating Cortana with Microsoft’s help

Microsoft's virtual assistant Cortana is awesome and all, but a lot of her potential is wasted due to lack of integration with Android. There's only so much a standalone app can do compared to Google Now on Android or Siri on iOS.

In a strange partnership, Cyanogen and Microsoft are working together to integrate Cortana into Cyanogen OS. This will give the virtual assistant plenty of power and resources to do everything she's designed to do, just like on Windows Phone. Though most people won't get to experience this, the custom ROM community and maybe the few phones that can officially run Cyanogen OS will reap the benefits.

Most people really wouldn't expect Microsoft to work with a company like Cyanogen, but it seems it's serious about the spread of Cortana. With Windows 10 being a free upgrade to every Windows 7 and 8 computer, Cortana might just become a big thing.

Source: Cyanogen working on integrating Cortana with Microsoft's help
