Microsoft Windows 10, Android M or iOS9 – Which Way to Go Now?

Microsoft Windows 10, Android M or iOS9 – Which Way To Go NowTechnological advancement is being toyed around with in such a way that it makes us feel that the whole world is now at our finger tips.

All the three top companies have now come up with brand new versions of their operating systems and now leave us wondering which to pick.

The trio have come up with iOS 9 by Apple, Windows 10 by Microsoft and Android M by Google.

Now that we have a wide choice on Operating systems, which one do we actually choose?

Let us take a look at the top features that each one offers us.

iOS 9 By Apple:

The iOS9 by Apple was unveiled this year at the World Wide Developers Conference 2015.

The full launch of the OS however, would have to wait till September.

This OS version is reportedly, going to offer much more than what the previous versions have offered. the operating system is not going to offer too much of changes in terms of looks, but the major changes are going to be received in terms of features only.

Many people who are not too tech savvy might not see this as a welcome change as for them a change is what you can actually see.

However, people who know how the OS works will see a major change here.

Rounding up the changes, we can see a difference in the way Siri works. Siri will now have more in its support scope and it seems like iOS9 is keen on battling Google Now.

Siri will proactively do a lot of stuff for you now.

For example, it can go through your mails and offer to save the attachments. It can also offer to save dates received in the mails to your scheduler.

Windows 10:

Windows 10 got a developer's preview version back in January 2015 and was launched this year in June.

Strictly speaking, there will be no 'Windows Phone 10'; it will be named as Windows 10 and will be available for mobiles later this year.

The OS is Microsoft's way of having just one platform for all devices without any significant changes.

This move of unifying all devices will go a long way for Microsoft.

Although not much has been laid down in terms of how windows 10 on mobile would look like, it is obvious that there would be a major change in the way the OS looks and works.

Cortana, the voice assistant as already been introduced to other devices and more changes are expected on Windows 10 for phones.

Android M:

Android M or Android 6.0 is also expected to see a launch sometime in November, 2015.

This OS again, does not provide much change in terms of looks.

You can just say that it could be something like material design 2.0.

For android OS, the most interesting point is the nomenclature.

For the Android M, the names that have been proposed are Android Milky Way, Android Macademia Nut Cookie, Android Milkshake, Android Muffin and so on .

Let's see which one is picked as a final name!

Source: Microsoft Windows 10, Android M or iOS9 – Which Way to Go Now?
