Microsoft Band 2.0 running custom version of Windows 10 may see release date in October

Microsoft is reportedly working on the second iteration of their wearable fitness band, the Microsoft Band 2. Band was initially launched as a fitness tracking device in a wearable smart watch. It incorporated integrates with Windows Phone, iOS & Android phones via Bluetooth. It was announced on October 29, 2014 & was launched the next day in the US, available exclusively on Microsoft Stores both online and retail.

While it serves as an inspiration for other hardware manufacturers, it does have its set of issues. While some can be fixed via software – take the insulting notifications for an account, others relative to the bulk & battery life of the device cannot. Compare it to a Fitbit for an instance & the differences are remarkably noticeable.

Fitbit is lighter, smaller & much less obtrusive, plus it can go a week with a single charge as compared to Band which dries out in lesser than two days. Further, to add to Microsoft's woes Android Wear & Apple Watch have arrived on the scene.

Now, Microsoft clearly understands that Band is a Gen 1 device & requires significant upgradation & improvements to stay competitive in the market. Moreover, it has been nearly a year since the launch of the current device, so it's about time now. This brings us to the Band 2.0. Kevin Turner, the company's COO, hinted at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference 2015, that they were working on a second version of the Band.

The new Band 2.0 is expected to be thinner & trendier than the current version. According to European web site, Band 2.0 has been developed & is being tested internally at Microsoft's European unit.

The new Band 2 will address the flaws of Band 1, which is an excellent strategy. Introduce the product into the market initially, garner external as well as internal feedback, go back to the design board & make it again, this time better than before & also better than the rivals. As a result, we can expect changes in design, higher quality material & added features.

It is also expected to run on the latest Windows 10 platform, as Satya Nadella, the Microsoft CEO hinted at the same conference that Windows 10 embraces all i.e. all the devices running Windows. The Band 2 is expected to be launched at the same price point as Band 1, but considering the improvements in the product, it is quite justifiable.

Source: Microsoft Band 2.0 running custom version of Windows 10 may see release date in October
