As the new Windows 10 readies for public launch on Wednesday, Microsoft, oddly, doesn't want to talk about it.
At least not to The Denver Post. The company declined to answer pressing questions before launch.
For those of you who are Windows users and are wondering about the "Get Windows 10" icon on the bottom taskbar, we do know a good bit about the new operating system.
It will be free to certain users. It has elements of Windows 7 and 8.1. It morphs between desktop, mobile and Xbox.
But with no answers from Microsoft and based on the chaos of past Windows launches, why would any consumer upgrade on Day One? Or even Month One?
The uncertainty is this: Will 10 work with existing technology? Even Microsoft's official forums are bickering about this. No one will know whether your PC is ready until after you upgrade.
Of course, Windows 10 has been in test mode since October. According to Microsoft, " Millions of people are already using Windows 10."
But for those of us who had no time for the beta, we must rely on the knowledge of others. Based on Microsoft's Q&A, its official blog and designated Windows 10 experts, here's what you can expect.
Will 10 work with old Microsoft?While your printer might need adjusting or you might have to wait for the software maker to upgrade your favorite photo-editing tool, let's start with a simple question for Microsoft: Will old versions of Office and other Microsoft software work on Windows 10?
Microsoft is keeping mum.
Andre Da Costa, who is not a Microsoft employee but a prolific moderator on Microsoft's community forums, says this is one of the top questions. He has been a 10 beta tester and writes up detailed answers for the forum.
First, he assures Windows 7 and 8 users, you will be OK, and your existing software and hardware should work in 10.
But even Da Costa covers himself, adding, "Of course, with significant changes expected in Windows 10, it is best you contact the software developer and hardware vendor to find out about support for Windows 10."
Windows 10's expanded Start button.
As for Office, we get a specific answer, or at least Microsoft didn't correct Da Costa's response: Office 2007, Office 2010 (but not Office Starter 2010), Office 2013 and Office 365 have been confirmed compatible with Windows 10.
However, Office 2003 and Office XP are not. But, Da Costa adds, these versions "might work using compatibility mode."
That mode is apparently a setting, according to (Find the main application's .exe file, right click and select "Properties," select the "Compatibility" tab and check the box under "Compatibility mode" and select what old Windows it last worked in.)
What features will I lose?On the Windows 10 specification page is a list of features that will go away after the upgrade, although Microsoft adds this could change. Say goodbye to:
Windows Media Center
The ability to automatically watch DVDs. Microsoft says you'll need to install a separate playback software.
Windows 7 desktop gadgets
Old versions of Solitaire, Minesweeper and Hearts games. Instead, Windows 10 will include "Microsoft Solitaire Collection" and "Microsoft Minesweeper."
A floppy drive. If you have a USB floppy drive, you will need to track down the latest software from Windows Update or the manufacturer.
What is new with 10?Like its most recent predecessor, Windows 10 continues down the software-as-an-app road. Visually, 10 is a more subtle Windows 8.1, which uses colorful boxes to display software, apps and services. The images only appear if you press the familiar Start button at the bottom left. (See screengrab, above left.)
Now, this button doesn't spell out start — it's a Windows icon — but it's taken on a new tour de force in 10. Microsoft must have learned its lesson last time after panic ensued when Windows 8 launched with no Start button. Microsoft quickly brought that back with 8.1 a year later.
Press it and the new Start menu expands, showing recent and favorite apps and programs.
To the button's right is a feature Microsoft is heavily pushing: The "Ask me anything" spot. (See screengrab, above right.) Dubbed Cortana, this Siri-like digital helper turns your voice commands into actions, like you telling it to write and send an e-mail. Windows Mobile already uses this feature.
A new browser, dubbed Microsoft Edge, lets you scribble notes onscreen and share the result. If you've used Evernote, it's like that. Plus Edge mimics Evernote's Clearly feature, which clears clutter on the page for distraction-free reading.
As for improving security, there is Windows Hello, which cares little about passwords because those can be stolen or guessed. Instead, it verifies your identity using biometrics such as your face, iris and fingerprint. (PCs will need special hardware such as a fingerprint reader or an infrared camera for facial recognition).
Once you get into Windows 10, Microsoft Passport kicks in. Again, it authenticates who you are based on the approved device and biometric, and then can grant you password-free access to your apps, software and possibly online bank accounts.
Others say one of the best new features is Continuum, especially for those who straddle the desktop, mobile and Xbox worlds. Windows 10 will run on all three devices so you can, for example, connect a monitor and keyboard to a Windows phone and 10 transforms into a full-on PC experience. Same with Xbox.
Can I stick with my current version of Windows?Microsoft is letting consumers decide for themselves. What the company will officially tell us is this:
Windows 10 is free, if you're upgrading from Windows 7 or 8.1, or Windows Mobile 8.1. Otherwise, it's $120 for the home version or $200 for the pro version.
There is a mobile/tablet version and a desktop version.
To reserve: If you're eligible and haven't blocked Windows notifications, you might have spotted an alert at the bottom right of your Windows desktop that says you can reserve Windows 10 today. Do so, and it will download automatically when available.
You have one year to upgrade your device for free.
Upgrading to Windows 10 could take an hour.
Windows will preserve anti-virus and anti-malware software during its upgrade. If you don't have a current subscription, Microsoft will switch you to its free Windows defender.
What should I do before I upgrade?If you have a newer PC, chances are high that everything will work after upgrading to 10. But do these first:
Back up important files.
Do a compatibility check. Right click on the icon on your bottom taskbar encouraging you to upgrade to 10 to view a menu. Select "Check your PC." If it finds any incompatibilities, you might want to wait until those software or hardware manufacturers upgrade the affected items. Otherwise, go ahead with reserving your copy.
On Wednesday or after, 10 will download to your device and you'll be notified that it's ready to install. It's up to you whether you follow through.
Don't like it? You have 30 days to go back to your old Windows, according to super-user Da Costa. His instructions are to go to 10's settings, select "Recovery," find the "Go back to Windows 7" (or 8.1) and press "Get started." Then follow the guide.
What if I need help?Free help will be available at local Microsoft stores, which include Park Meadows Mall in Lone Tree, Cherry Creek Mall in Denver and FlatIron Crossing in Broomfield. The stores will host free upgrade assessments, workshops and demos.
"If your system is not ready yet for your upgrade to Windows 10, we will provide more details during the upgrade experience," said Rob Armour, store manager at Lone Tree. "In some cases, we will include contact information so you can follow up directly with an application provider or device manufacturer to learn more."
The stores will have free upgrade assessments after launch day. Plus, stores always offer free "extended diagnostics on any device, software repair or support, virus and malware removal, PC tuneups and more," he added.
The Lone Tree store will host the band OneRepublic for a Friday concert at the mall. For more information, go to Microsoft's Facebook page at or call 303-824-6772.
Tamara Chuang: tchuang@
Source: Windows 10 upgrade: What's coming and going, and why you should wait
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