Windows Phone AdDuplex stats show more of the same

Lumia 530June is wrapping up and AdDuplex's detailed report on Windows Phone statistics has been released. The June report goes through the 23rd of the month and shows advanced analysis of which devices are popular, which carriers are used, breaks down information from various countries, and more. AdDuplex collects their info from a series of over 5,000 applications. There isn't any jaw dropping news but there are some interesting trends that have continued from the past in this month's data.

Worldwide the most popular device is still the Lumia 520 but its foothold is weakening as it dropped 2.3%. That's in contrast to the United States which has the Lumia 635 in the top spot at 32.6% and the Lumia 520 dropping 2.3% this month. The slideshow below also shows breakdowns of Windows Phones in Brazil, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and India.

In the United States ATT&T beats out the other Windows Phone carriers at 33.6%. Their closest competitors are Cricket at 19.1% and T-Mobile at 16.1%.

Nokia/Microsoft (depending on when the device was made) still make 96.74% of Windows Phones. That's mostly unchanged but shows a stable market for the dominating Lumia line and a stark reality for HTC, Samsung, Huawei and everyone else who combine for less than 4% of the market.

Out of all Windows Phone devices, 76.7% of them are running Windows 8.1. There are still 13.6% on Windows 8 and 7.1% on Windows 7.x. The release of an official Windows 10 Mobile preview build for insiders may have changed the market slightly as Windows 10 Mobile increased by 0.2% bringing it up to 2.5%.

The majority of Windows Phones in use are WVGA screen resolution. As pointed out in AdDuplex's slide, three out of four devices are running WVGA or something very similar to it.

As we said earlier, these stats aren't that surprising. Windows Phone is doing well in the low and mid range markets and performs better outside the United States than within it.

Source: Windows Phone AdDuplex stats show more of the same
