iOS 9 vs Android M vs Windows 10 – The Best Mobile OS

Android M vs iOS 9 vs Windows 10We've received a lot of information about Windows 10(on mobile), Android M and iOS 9 lately and today we wanted to look at those changes and what we can expect the future to hold.

iOS 9

Apple iOS 9 vs Android M vs Windows 10Apple introduced iOS 9 to the world at WWDC this year and it has made a lot of people getting excited about the upcoming release. iOS 9 is going to be different from the previous releases while being somewhat the same. There isn't going to be a major redesign as far as what the operating system looks like. A lot of people like to see the whole OS change with each update(much like they enjoy seeing new phones changing things up) but there's a lot of people who really dislike all that change. It can take some time for people to get used to how things are and how they look and changing things up on them can disrupt things more than they would like.

Now, where things are going to change is inside the OS. Apple is focusing on Siri and expanding it to do more than what we are used to. I hate to say they are copying Google but the new features of Siri seem very similar to Google Now. Siri will be more proactive than ever so you won't have to tell it to do some things. Instead, Siri will grab details from things like your email and where you are and offer to do some things with that data. For instance, you can get an email about a meeting or a date and then Siri will automatically put that into your calendar so that it can remind you of it later.

Windows 10

Windows 10 Mobile vs Android M vs iOS 9Microsoft is doing some minor changes to their mobile operating system. From what I have read, it will no longer be called mobile and instead it will just hold the Windows 10 name. This is a way for them to unify the brand and serves and encouragement to keep the user experience the same across all platforms. The update was announced a while ago(last year I think) and every now and then we get an update on how things have progressed. The whole goal with the mobile version of Windows 10 is to make the experience seamless across across the different platforms, much like Google has done with Android 5.0 Lollipop being on a phone, a tablet, a watch and in the car.

This is going to be a big change for Windows Phone users as they don't typically get large updates like this. Users should expect to see a lot of changes from the user interface of their favorite Microsoft applications as well as new features to their services like Cortana. Microsoft's personal assistant is going be cross platform as well so the hope to make things transition easily from desktop to mobile with features that are very similar to what Apple introduced in iOS 8.

Android M

Android M vs Apple iOS 9 vs Windows 10Last up we have Google's upcoming version of Android and it still doesn't have a name yet. Some have speculated that it will be called Marshmallow, some think that it might be called Milky Way. The internal code name is Macadamia Nut Cookie but KitKat's internal code name was Key Lime Pie and Lollipop's internal code name was Lemon Meringue Pie. So this could easily(and almost assuredly) will change before release. Much like iOS 9, Android M is not going to change much when it comes to the overall looks of the operating system. You could call it Material Design 2.0 if you would like as the company has expanded on the material guidelines for this release.

However, we are going to see some new features like Now on Tap, which is Google's way of baking Google Now into all of our applications. With Now on Tap, you'll be able to get suggested tasks based on what is currently on your screen(no matter which app you have open). We're also going to be seeing some more battery life optimizations in the form of Doze. Android M will be the launch of Android Pay too and the company hopes to make as big of a splash as Apple did with Apple Pay.

Source: iOS 9 vs Android M vs Windows 10 – The Best Mobile OS
